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M. Fakhar, M.R. Khodakhah, A. Soubeyran, J. Zafarani, Set-valued variational principles. When migration improves quality of life

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DOI: 10.23952/jano.4.2022.1.04
Volume 4, Issue 1, 1 April 2022, Pages 37-51 


Abstract. In this paper, in the context of quasi-metric spaces, we obtain two set-valued versions of the Ekeland variational-type principle by means of lower and upper set less relations, for the case where the perturbations need not satisfy the triangle inequality. An application in terms of migration problems and quality of life is given.


How to Cite this Article:
M. Fakhar, M.R. Khodakhah, A. Soubeyran, J. Zafarani, Set-valued variational principles. When migration improves quality of life, J. Appl. Numer. Optim. 4 (2022), 37-51.