Xiuming Li, Fangfang Xu, Yu-Hong Dai, A stochastic proximal gradient method for linear hyperspectral unmixing
Yunbin Wang, Na Song, Shiping Wang, Unsupervised sample selection for active learning with quadratic programming
Chengxiang Wang, Richard Gordon, How wrong could we be? A new way to solve underdetermined linear equations, illustrated via computed tomography
Shirong Deng, Yuchao Tang, Efficient box-constrained “nonconvex + nonconvex” approach for image deblurring with impulse noise
O. T. Mewomo, R. N. Nwokoye, T. O. Alakoyo, G. N. Ogwo, On fixed point iterative methods for solving non-Lipschitz quasi-monotone variational inequalities
Peichao Duan, Huan Li, A self-adaptive algorithm with multi-step inertia for solving convex bilevel optimization problems